Launchpad Learning Modules: Transforming K-12 Education Through Use-Inspired Principles
The Launchpad Umbrella Working Group has created a series of learning modules to provide an overview to use-inspired research practices and provide tangible examples to assist with implementation.
The third module in the Launchpad Learnings series, these videos elaborate on the role of use-inspired principles in K-12 education environments. To view the first video in the series, an overview and introduction to Launchpad Learnings, click here. View the second module about tips to recruit partners here.
The UWG is also holding a webinar exploring use-inspired research partnership strategies and best practices later today, Monday, Oct. 28th 9:00am-10:30am PT. Register and learn more here.
Use-inspired research is not only applicable in higher education. When applied in K-12 settings, a focus is placed on solving real-world challenges by integrating academic research with the practical needs of educators, students, and school systems, directly improve educational practices, policies, and outcomes.
By involving students, teachers, administrators in the research process, use-inspired approaches ensure solutions are not only theoretically sound but also practical and applicable in diverse educational settings. The outcome is a more responsive, flexible approach that can adapt to the changing needs of K-12 education, fostering innovation and long-term impact in the classroom.
Watch the videos below, produced by Josephine Kershaw, for an overview of the Launchpad Learning Modules series.
Video 3a. Overview
Video 3b. Examples in K12 Settings
Video 3c. Community College Examples
Video 3d. Community RULES Advancement UWG
Video 3e. UIR Outcomes and Grant Opportunities
This activity is part of Building Bridges to Use-Inspired Research and Science-Informed Practices, funded under NSF Grant # FAIN-2309541.
View previous modules in the series here: